Maternity Leave and Work-Life Balance: Finding the Right Balance

Sooo, you’re having a baby eh? I’ll bet you’re excited and we are too. This is going to be wonderful and transformative experience that can bring both joy and stress (mountains of stress), especially if you’re a working mother. One of the biggest challenges that new mothers face is balancing work and family life, particularly during the period immediately following the birth of a child. Maternity leave is a critical time for new mothers to recover, bond with their baby, and adjust to their new role as a parent. Here are some tips to help you find the right balance between work and family life during and after maternity leave, and make this time as warm and loving as possible:

Know your rights

In most countries, there are Family and Medical Leave policies that require certain employers to provide up to 12 weeks of job-protected leave for new parents.

According to Ghana’s labour law and,

“Pregnant employees are entitled to 12 weeks (Increasing to 14 weeks in the case of multiple or complicated births) of paid maternity leave at 100% of the employer’s regular pay rate” Also, “After returning from maternity leave, the woman is entitled to one hour’s leave during the workday to nurse the child until the child reaches the age of one”.

This means that you are allowed an hour within your work hours to breastfeed your newborn and time spent on this activity is to be treated as working hours and paid accordingly. Also. No employer has the right to fire you just because you’re pregnant or because of your absence from work during maternity leave. Employers are also not entitled to request that you work overtime when your child is 8 months old or less. To request for maternity leave, you will need to produce a medical certificate issued by a suitable health professional indicating your expected period of confinement. There are no laws limiting how many times a woman can go on maternity leave

Check with your employer to see if you’re eligible for any further maternity leave benefits. You deserve to take the time to recover and nurture your new little bundle of joy.

Plan ahead

Before your maternity leave begins, have a heart-to-heart with your employer about your plans for returning to work. Consider options like telecommuting or a flexible schedule that can help ease the transition back to work. Your employer may be more understanding than you think, and they want you to be happy and productive.

Communicate with your employer

Keep your employer informed about your plans and any changes that may occur. Don’t hesitate to discuss any accommodations or modifications that may be necessary to help you balance work and family life. Your employer wants you to succeed, and they may be more willing to work with you than you expect.

Get support

Don’t do it alone! Seek out support from family, friends, and other parents who have been through the experience of balancing work and family life. Join a support group or seek out counselling if you’re struggling. Remember, there is no shame in asking for help. DeaRx Mom has a community that can support you. Join for free.

Be realistic 

It’s essential to be realistic about what you can accomplish while balancing work and family life. Set realistic expectations for yourself and communicate them with your employer. Remember, you are a supermom, but you can’t do it all.

Prioritise self-care

Taking care of yourself is essential for both your physical and mental health. Be sure to prioritize self-care activities like exercise, healthy eating, and getting enough rest. You can’t pour from an empty cup, so remember to take care of yourself.

In Conclusion

maternity leave is a crucial time for new mothers to recover, bond with their baby, and adapt to their new role as a parent. By finding the right balance between work and family life during and after maternity leave, you can enjoy the benefits of both while taking care of yourself and your family. Remember, you are a strong, loving, and incredible mom, and you deserve all the happiness and support in the world.

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