Tummy Time – What is it?

Sounds cute doesn’t it? But what is it exactly? 

It involves placing the baby on their tummy while they are awake and supervised (Emphasis on awake and supervised), and allowing them to explore their surroundings. Tummy time is recommended for infants starting from day one, and it is an essential activity for healthy development. Tummy time has been recommended by healthcare professionals for decades.

Baby enjoying tummy time

Why is tummy time so important? 

Firstly, it helps to strengthen the muscles in the baby’s neck, shoulders, and core. This strength is crucial for developing the gross motor skills needed for crawling, sitting, standing, and eventually walking. Without adequate muscle strength, infants may experience delays in their motor development. 

Secondly, tummy time helps to prevent the development of flat spots on the back of the baby’s head. This is particularly important as the incidence of flat head syndrome has increased in recent years due to the recommendation for infants to sleep on their back to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Tummy time provides an opportunity for the baby to relieve the pressure on the back of their head and develop a rounded skull shape. 

Lastly, tummy time helps to develop the baby’s visual and cognitive skills. By exploring their environment from a different perspective, infants can strengthen their eyesight and spatial awareness. This can lead to improved problem-solving abilities and a greater capacity for learning later in life. 

How to introduce tummy time?

You should introduce tummy time from day one by placing your child on your lap or chest. Initially, parents should start with short sessions of tummy time, lasting for just a few minutes at a time. As the baby becomes more comfortable, parents can gradually increase the duration of tummy time sessions. 

Parents should also ensure that the baby is awake and supervised during tummy time. Placing the baby on a soft, safe surface, such as a play-mat, is recommended. Parents can also use toys and other objects to encourage the baby to engage in tummy time and explore their surroundings. 

Some babies may initially resist tummy time, finding it uncomfortable or overwhelming. In these cases, parents can try to make tummy time more comfortable for the baby by placing a rolled-up towel or blanket under their chest. This can help to elevate the baby’s upper body and make the position more comfortable. 

In some cases, parents may find that their baby is consistently resisting tummy time, or is experiencing discomfort or pain during tummy time. In these cases, it is important to seek advice from a healthcare professional. They can assess your baby’s development and provide advice on how to make tummy time more comfortable and enjoyable for your baby. 

In conclusion, tummy time is an important activity for infants. It can have significant benefits for your baby’s development. By strengthening their muscles, preventing flat head syndrome, and developing their visual and cognitive skills, tummy time can set the foundation for healthy development in the early years. With proper supervision and guidance, tummy time can be a fun and rewarding activity for both the baby and the parent. 

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